Choices have everlasting consequences. Lucifer was created to be the most beautiful of all of God's creatures. He was assigned to attend to the throne of God and to cover it with his wings. (He is a cherub) When Lucifer CHOSE to glorify himself and rebel against God, he became Satan which in Hebrew means "The Accuser". When men and women were created, appearing as a serpent, he beguiled them and tempted them to be disobedient. They too CHOSE to rebel, and sin entered the world. With sin, entered the influences of the world, the flesh, and the Devil on each of us. God give us weaponry with which to engage in spiritual battle, and this gives us the ability to win. Choices have consequences. Today, you and I have the CHOICE to serve a wonderful God who came in the form of a man called Jesus. Serving Him is the ONLY way to be on the winning team in spiritual battle. Through Him, we are more than conquerors. We are on the winning team!