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Last week he talked about unity, and now we’re going to talk about how God uses our
differences and diversity of gifting to bring together that unity. Starting in verse 7 we
see that grace is given to each of us. In this context it means power from God to do
whatever it is that God desires for us to do. This particular passage is going to talk
about some that are gifted for the very purpose of having “offices” (special designated
positions) in the Body of Christ. What am I talking about? I’m saying that some are
called to actually be the teacher or pastor of the Church. The same person can do both,
but some often have greater strengths in one area or another. Some have an unusual
gift to share the gospel in such a way that people just want to receive Jesus. This
passage isn’t really dealing with gifts of the Holy Spirit that we see for example in 1
Corinthians chapter 12.

Ministers in the church