As Believers, we are no longer under the Mosaic Law. We are instead under the Law of the Spirit. God's law has been placed in our hearts. Through study of His Word and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit through study, prayer, reflection, and listening, we are able to walk in the Spirit and not according to the flesh.

Paul was writing the church in Galatia because the little church had fallen back into
ceremonial obedience and trying to follow the Law. The question at hand was if we are free
in Christ then how do we live a moral and righteous life without the law. Some of you may
remember when Daniel Schnaider, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi, last preached to us, he told us
that even some Christians have tried to take up the laws of being a Jew and apply them to
the Church. Much of the confusion about living by the laws of Judaism is because of bad
theology. I’ve told you about “replacement theology.” People have been taught that the
church has taken over Israel’s place. And the logic is that if the Church is now Israel, then
the Church inherited some or all of the Mosaic Law. This is not true. The church has not
taken over Israel. Israel still has a functional and prophetic function in God’s plan. The
Church has a completely different covenant than Israel. God never gave us a piece of land
anywhere. We have a spiritual covenant with the Lord. We are not under the Mosaic Law.
God has put His Spirit within us in a way that that enables us to live godly lives by obeying
the Holy Spirit within us.

The Fruit of The Spirit