Paul continues his theme in this passage of fightingagainst the Judaizers. These were those that camealong behind him as he shared the gospel. It was hard for them to accept that JESUS ALONE was enough to save. Basically, they wanted to require everyone who was coming to Christ to also be an observant Jew. As I look at this chapter of scripture, several things
jump out at me. I think the easiest way to analzye it ill be to just walk through the text and make commentary as we work our way through it. Paul continues to preach the “finished work of Jesus Christ”. Paul constantly in this letter drives the point home that it is JESUS + NOTHING = EVERYTHING. You might have never heard the phrase “the finished work of Jesus”, but it is a beautiful phrase. When I use that term I am saying that when Jesus went to the cross for you and for me, HE DID IT ALL. HE FINISHED IT. THE BUSINESS OF SAVING MANKIND WAS TAKEN CARE OF. Paul is trying to say over and over that “Jesus alone is enough.” When He said, “It is finished” on the cross, He meant it.