We are an informal but committed congregation striving to live out what it means to be a true Community of Faith—encouraging each other daily in our Christian walk, and lending one another our support and care. We are situated in a rural community, and as many of us come from farms and ranches, we enjoy such church activities as camp fires, trail rides, gardening, and sharing homesteading skills. Our congregation is diverse, and is made up of individuals, families, retirees, and people from several countries gathering each week to worship together and study God’s Word. On Sundays we enjoy lifting praise to God with a mix of traditional hymns of the faith and contemporary songs of praise, done in a country style that suits who we are, augmenting a message from the pulpit that is always grounded in God’s Word. On Wednesday nights we share in a community meal, fellowship, worship, and an informal Bible study. Visitors are always welcome at any service.


Anyone is welcome to worship and fellowship with us no matter what their denomination. The only difference between members and non-members at UGBC is that members may vote on matters pertaining to the ministry and governing of our church. We usually serve communion on the first Sunday of every month, and not being a member does not bar a person from taking communion—we welcome to our communion table all who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord: (He) said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31). Membership is not done by “letter” as in other Baptist churches, but by giving one’s testimony before the Pastor and two other members, and then a recommendation is given to the church body as a whole. If one has not previously received it, baptism by immersion is also required.

For more information contact us here.