Trumpets Sounded

The greatest spiritual growth in my life came when I suffered the most. In the midst of
my suffering, there seemed to be no relief. I would cry out to the Lord when I felt like He
no longer heard my cries. But in time, I realized that it was in those harsh and horrible
times that He was gently carrying me to where He wanted me to be. He didn’t create
those times, but He allowed them to happen, and He used them for my spiritual growth
and His glory. This morning, we’ll look at the great tribulation that will come upon the
earth. At the end, we will see that it was meant to bring humankind to repentance. God
desires for us each to enjoy a loving personal relationship with Him. He created us. He
desires communion with us. Unfortunately, many do not respond, but instead decide to
stay mired in their own sin, self, idolatry, and rebellion. During the most intense days of
the Tribulation, humans will be faced with the ultimate decision of whether to come into
a sweet relationship with the God who made them, or whether to remain in rebellion,
corruption, and perversion. Most will refuse Him to the bitter end.

Union Grove is one of the oldest Baptist communities of faith in the State of Texas
dating back to 1844. Pastor Faber McMullen may be reached by email at or by snail mail at: 15301 FM 362, Navasota, Texas 77868.
Tel: 936-825-1227 (Edited and proofed by Amanda Neese- Webster, Texas.)
All financial gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as a 501 (c) (3) Corporation.